
The package controlls input fields to be analyzed and also give some tools to write output.

A distinction is made between

  • primary input fields that might have very different grids
  • second analysis fields (on the same SEVIRI grid), level-2 data

Functions Overview

A summary of functions that are contained in the module.

collect_sim_ave_cre4set Collects average CRE data for a selected set.
get_obs_cre4time_list Collects average CRE data for a selected set.
get_cre4set Collects average CRE data for a selected set.
get_radflux4set Collects average radiation flux data for a selected set.
get_stat4set Collects average CRE data for a selected set.
get_stat4all Read and stack all input sets (CRE or Radiation Fluxes).

A summary of functions that are contained in the module.

read_mask Read region mask.
read_data_field Reads “level2” data for analysis and plotting.
radname2ctname Name converter: Converts the standard filename of TOA allsky files to corresponding cloud type files.
collect_data4cre_obs Collects a set of observed data fields for cloud-radiative effect analysis.
collect_data4cre_sim Collects a set of simulated data fields for cloud-radiative effect analysis.
collect_data4cre Collects a set of data fields (observed or simulated) for cloud-radiative effect analysis.

A summary of functions that are contained in the module.

msevi_setting Create a set of standard keywords for MSG SEVIRI input.
read_msevi Reads a time stack of MSG SEVIRI infrared channels.
scale_radiation The small helper function scales observed radiation data.
read_radiation_fluxes Reads and scales radiation flux data based on GERB-like SEVIRI retrievals.
read_solar_flux Reads and scales incoming solar radiation flux data based on GERB-like SEVIRI retrievals.
read_cc_from_fluxdata Reads and scales cloud cover based on GERB-like SEVIRI retrievals.
read_radiation_flux_tstack Reads and scales radiation flux data based on GERB-like SEVIRI retrievals.

A summary of functions that are contained in the module.

subdir_from_fname Gets the sub-directory name from filename.
get_grid_filename Returns the name of a NAWDEX gridfile depending on the sub directory name.
get_synsat_basename Recovers simulation filename on which synsat forward operator was applied to.
read_georef Reads geo reference of simulation.
get_zen_mask Calculates a satellite zenith angle mask.
read_synsat_vector Input of Synsat BT vector (given at original ICON grid).
read_iconvar_vector Input of ICON variable vector (given at original ICON grid and with applied zenith angle mask).
read_icon_rad_vector Reads ICON TOA radiation vector.
read_time Reads time object from netcdf file.
read_generic_sim_data_flist Reads ICON field vectors from filelist as time stack.
read_radiation_flux_flist Reads ICON TOA radiation vectors from filelist as time stack.
read_synsat_flist Reads ICON Synsat vectors from filelist as time stack.
read_simulated_clearsky_flux Reads simulated solar clearsky fluxes.

A summary of functions that are contained in the module.

save_meteosat_tstack Saves full time stack of daily Meteosat BT data to netcdf file for nawdex region.
save_meteosat_bt2nc Saves Meteosat BTs to netcdf.
save_radflux_tstack Saves full time stack of daily TOA radiation flux data to netcdf file for nawdex region.
save_rad2nc Saves Radiaiton fluxes to netcdf.

A summary of functions that are contained in the module.

save_synsat_flist Saves full time stack of simulated BT data to netcdf file.
save_synsat_bt2nc Saves Synsat BTs to netcdf.
save_radflux_flist Saves full time stack of simulated TOA radiation flux data to netcdf file.
save_rad2nc Saves Radiaiton fluxes to netcdf.
save_retrieved_clearsky_swf2nc Saves retrieved clearsky radiation fluxes to netcdf.

A summary of functions that are contained in the module.

set_msevi_proj Geostationary projection object for Meteosat.
msevi_ll2xy Returns line/column numbers in geostationary satellite projection.
msevi_xy2ij Converts msevi xy coordinates into indices.
msevi_ij2xy Converts msevi indices into xy coordinates.
msevi_ij2ll Converts msevi indices into xy coordinates.
msevi_lonlat Calcualtions MSG longitude and latitude for a certain cutout.
slice2nwcsaf_region Function that gets the NWCSAF region definition from a region slice (row1, row2), (col1, col2).
nwcsaf_region2slice The region defintion of the NWCSAF (based on size and center coordinates) is converted to a region slice.
get_vector2msevi_index Calculates nearest neighbor index for the conversion between ICON output vectors and the Msevi grid.
get_msevi2vector_index Calculates nearest neighbor index for the conversion between MSevi grid and ICON output vectors.
nn_reproj_with_index Reprojects data field intpo Meteosat SEVIRI projection.
get_reproj_param Preparation of reprojection parameters.
reproj_field Reprojection field using reprojection parameters (and grid box avareging)
get_vector2msevi_rparam Calculates reprojection parameters for the conversion between ICON output vectors and the Msevi grid.
combined_reprojection Combine nearest neighbor (nn) and box-average interpolation.

A summary of functions that are contained in the module.

check_if_nc_has_varname Checks if netcdf file contains variable with a certain name.
check_if_nc_has_time Checks if netcdf file contains variable name AND time.
check_varname_and_time_in_nc Checks if netcdf file contains time.
make_filetime_index The function generates an time index listing all filenames that contain selected time and variable name.
set_selector Selects mis numbers based on (per-defined) experiment set.
set_initdate Selects init date based on (per-defined) experiment set.
gather_simset Collects a list of experiment names based on a selected set.
extra_experiments Add extra sets.
set_dateslices Sets the time range to be analyzed for a selected experiment set.
expname2conf_str Based on experiment name of configuration ID string is generated.
convert_explist2idlist Converts expname lists into ID string lists.

A summary of functions that are contained in the module.

convert_time Utility converts between two time formats A->B or B->A:
convert_timevec Utility converts between an array of two time formats A->B or B->A:
roundTime Round a datetime object to any time laps in seconds.
round2day Rounds a np.datetime64 object to one day.
lonlat2azizen Calculates satellite zenith and azimuth given lon / lat.